Friday, March 14, 2008

Third assignment

1.) My book story sounds pritty ariginal. I dont think i ever heard it befor. The animals taking over the farm, well there was this movie barn yard i think it was called it was an animation. But i heard about the book first. I think alll books are copied some how.

2.) I think the fact that the characters are animals is pritty interesting. It lets us know how animals would think of us if they could think llike humans. Sometimes is sad because we do triet them pritty bad. I think that maybe the athuor of this book wants us humans to learnd how to respect the animals that take care of us, like feed us and stuff. So yeah thats pritty interesting to know.

3.) Well i do think someone could make another story like this but. It maight not be better. All ways the first book or movie is better. If someone does write another book then there would be some parts missing or added. So then it wouldnt be the same. NO i dont think its possible to make a coplite new story out of an old one or even animal farm.